Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Data Mining For Professional Service Firms - The Marketing Mother Lode May Already Be in Your Files

No one needs to tell you about the value of information in today's world--particularly the value of information that could help grow your practice. But has it occurred to you that you probably have more information in your head and your existing files that you realize? Tap into this gold mine of data to develop a powerful and effective marketing plan that will pull clients in the door and push your profitability up.

The way to do this is with data mining, which is the process of using your existing client data and demographics to highlight trends, make predictions and plan strategies.

In other words, do what other kinds of businesses have been doing for years: Analyze your clients by industry and size of business, the type and volume of services used, the amount billed, how quickly they pay and how profitable their business is to you. With this information, you'll be able to spot trends and put together a powerful marketing plan.

To data mine effectively, your marketing department needs access to client demographics and financial information. Your accounting department needs to provide numbers on the services billed, discounts given, the amounts actually collected, and receivables aging statistics. You may identify a specific service being utilized to a greater than average degree by a particular industry group, revealing a market segment worth pursuing. Or you may find an industry group that represents a significant portion of your billed revenue, but the business is only marginally profitable because of write-offs and discounts. In this case, you may want to shift your marketing focus.

You should also look at client revenues and profitability by the age of the clients. If your percentage of new clients is high, it could mean you're not retaining a sufficient number of existing clients. If you see too few new clients, you may be in for problems when natural client attrition is not balanced by new client acquisition.

The first step in effective data mining is to get everyone in the firm using the same information system. This allows everyone in the office who needs the names and addresses of the firm's clients and contacts to have access to that data. Require everyone to record notes on conversations and meetings in the system. Of course, the system should also accommodate information that users don't want to share, such as client's private numbers or the user's personal contacts. This way, everyone can utilize the system for everything, which makes them more likely to use it completely.

Your information system can be either contact information or customer relationship management software (a variety of packages are on the market) or you can have a system custom designed. When considering software to facilitate data mining, look at three key factors:

1. Ease of use. If the program isn't easy to use, it won't get used, and will end up being just a waste of time and money.

2. Accessibility. The system must allow for data to be accessible from anywhere, including laptops, hand-held devices, from the internet or cell phones. The data should also be accessible from a variety of applications so it can be used by everyone in the office all the time, regardless of where they are.

3. Sharability. Everyone needs to be able to access the information, but you also need privacy and editing rights so you can assign or restrict what various users can see and input.

Don't overlook the issue of information security. Beyond allowing people the ability to code certain entries as private, keep in mind that anyone with access to the system as the ability to either steal information or sabotage your operation. Talk to your software vendor about various security measures but don't let too much security make the system unusable. Protect yourself contractually with noncompete and nondisclosure agreements and be sure to back up your data regularly.

Finally, expect some staffers to resist when you ask them to change from the system they've been using. You may have to sell them on the benefits outweighing the pain of making a change and learning the new system--which means you need to be totally sold on it yourself. The managing partner, or the leader of the firm, needs to be driving this initiative for it to succeed. When it does succeed, you'll be able to focus your marketing dollars and efforts in the most profitable areas with the least expense, with a tremendous positive impact on the bottom line.

Jacquelyn Lynn is a business writer and ghostwriter based in Orlando, Florida. She is the author or ghostwriter of more than 25 books, including Entrepreneur's Almanac; Online Shopper's Survival Guide; Make Big Profits on eBay (with Charlene Davis); In Search of the Five-Cent Nickel (with Don Abbott); and 11 titles in Entrepreneur Media's StartUp Guide series.


Monday, 29 July 2013

Data Mining: Its Description and Uses

Data mining also known as the process of analyzing the KDD which stands for Knowledge Discovery in Databases is a part of statistics and computer science. It is a process which aims to find out many various patterns in enormous sets of relational data.

It uses ways at the fields of machine learning, database systems, artificial intelligence, and statistics. It permits users to examine data from many various perspectives, sort it, and summarize the identified relationships.

In general, the objective of data mining process is to obtain info out of a data set and convert it into a comprehensible outline. Also, it includes the following: data processing, data management and database aspects, visualization, complexity considerations, online updating, inference and model considerations, and interestingness metrics.

On the other hand, the actual data mining assignment is the semi-automatic or automatic exploration of huge quantities of information to extract patterns that are interesting and previously unknown. Such patterns can be the unusual records or the anomaly detection, data records groups or the cluster analysis, and the dependencies or the association rule mining. Usually, this involves utilizing database methods like spatial indexes. Such patters could be perceived as a type of summary of input data, and could be used in further examination or, for example, in predictive analysis and machine learning.

Today, data mining is utilized by different consumer-focused companies like those in the financial, retails, marketing, and communications fields. It permits such companies to find out relationships among the internal aspects like staff skills, price, product positioning, and external aspects like customer information, competition, and economic indicators. Additionally, it allows them to define the effect on corporate profits, sales, and customer satisfaction; and dig into the summary information to be able to see transactional data in detail.

With data mining process, a retailer can make use of point-of-scale customer purchases records to send promotions based on the purchase history of a client. The retailer can improve products and campaigns or promotions that can be appealing to a definite customer group by using mining data from comment cards.

Generally, any of the following relationships are obtained.

1. Associations: Data could be mined to recognize associations.
2. Clusters: Data are sorted based on a rational relationships or consumer preferences.
3. Sequential Patters: Data is mined to expect patterns and trends in behavior.
4. Classes: Data that are stored are utilized to trace data in predetermined segments.


Data Entry Services Are The Core of Any Business

Data entry is the core of any business and though it may appear to be easy to manage and handle, this involves many processes that need to be dealt systematically. Huge changes have taken place in the field of data entry and due to this handling the work has become much easier then before. So if you want to make use of the best data entry services to maintain the data and other information about your company, you must be ready to spend money for this. It is in no way an attempt to say that data entry services are costly, but just to say that good services will not come that cheap either. You just need to decide if you will hire professionals to do this work in house or if you would like to hire the services from an outside firm. The business is your and you are the best person to decide what is suitable for your business.

Doing the data entry of any business in house can be advantageous and disadvantageous as well. The main advantage can be in the form that you can keep an eye on the work being done to maintain proper records of all aspects of your company. This can prove to be a bit costly to you as you will have to hire the services of a data entry operator. The employee will be on rolls and thus will be entitled to all the benefits like allowances and other bonuses. So another option that you can use for this is to get a third party handle the work for you. This is a better option as you can hire the services depending on the type of work you need to be done.

This is one of the core components of your business and consequently you must ensure that this is handled properly. Data entry services are not the only aspect that business owners are seeking out these days. With the huge surge in the field of information and technology data conversion is equally important. The need to convert the data that has been entered is gaining momentum day by day. Conversion of the data makes it more accessible and this can be used easily without too many hassles to draw customers for buying the goods. Traditional methods have been done away with and professionals who work for data entry services these days are highly skilled and in tune with the latest methods.

Data entry services done for a company by third party has been found to be very suitable. In fact studies have indicated that outsourcing data entry services is one the rise due to the high rate of success enjoyed by business owners for this. The main advantage of getting data entry services done by a third party is that it works out very cheap and the work done is of the top most quality. So if the data entry services of the best quality id provided there is absolutely no chance why someone would not undertake the process to increase and brighten business prospects.


Saturday, 27 July 2013

How Offshore Data Entry Services Can Be Beneficial to Business

There are always new challenges in the business. To meet the challenges, you have to perform better and better in your core and non-core activities of the business. Core activities to built business and perform better to get best result. Non-core activities are to support core activities. Data Entry is one of the most important non-core activities for the business. Data Entry is one of the major offshore services that generally utilized by all kinds of companies. With the high demand, data entry services companies are growing.

Why Data Entry Services?
Data plays vital role in business, Data is very important. Managing data is most important task in every company. If important data lost, business can't grow as with data. Company's most of the time and large amount of money are utilized for managing data. They spend too much money for infrastructure, machinery and men power to maintain the data properly. Why not think on alternative option...! Hiring professional data entry service providers is best option for the companies to maintain their data properly with out spending on infrastructure, machinery and man power. This will give you freedom to have your business at top by performing core activity in best way.

How Offshore Data Entry Services can be beneficial to Business?

1. Cut the Cost: One of the major benefits is Low Cost! By offshore services you can get low cost services. Rather to invest in infrastructure, machinery and men power, it is easiest way to cut the cost.

2. Help from Professionals: Second direct benefit is the professional you hire for your work. You will get professional who have years of experience in providing data entry services at lower amount of cost.

3. Fast and Accurate Services: As you are having experienced experts, you will get fast and accurate data entry services.

4. Data Security: In this age of high competition, companies are concern about their data privacy. Most of the service providers are providing high data security to their client. By the time, you and some of your faithful people knowing where you outsource than Data is always secure more then ever.

5. Focused Core activities: You can concentrate on you core activities, by offshore data entry services. Though you have no worry about managing data, you can give more importance business activities.

6. Competitive Advantage: You will get competitive advantage by spending less on data management and more on core services.
So the ultimately, you will generate more focused core services for your client without worrying about your data. As a result, you will gain competitive advantage over other and gain more profit from market.


Thursday, 25 July 2013

Data Mining

Data mining is the retrieving of hidden information from data using algorithms. Data mining helps to extract useful information from great masses of data, which can be used for making practical interpretations for business decision-making. It is basically a technical and mathematical process that involves the use of software and specially designed programs. Data mining is thus also known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) since it involves searching for implicit information in large databases. The main kinds of data mining software are: clustering and segmentation software, statistical analysis software, text analysis, mining and information retrieval software and visualization software.

Data mining is gaining a lot of importance because of its vast applicability. It is being used increasingly in business applications for understanding and then predicting valuable information, like customer buying behavior and buying trends, profiles of customers, industry analysis, etc. It is basically an extension of some statistical methods like regression. However, the use of some advanced technologies makes it a decision making tool as well. Some advanced data mining tools can perform database integration, automated model scoring, exporting models to other applications, business templates, incorporating financial information, computing target columns, and more.

Some of the main applications of data mining are in direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, the oil and gas industry, scientific tests, genetics, telecommunications, financial services and utilities. The different kinds of data are: text mining, web mining, social networks data mining, relational databases, pictorial data mining, audio data mining and video data mining.

Some of the most popular data mining tools are: decision trees, information gain, probability, probability density functions, Gaussians, maximum likelihood estimation, Gaussian Baves classification, cross-validation, neural networks, instance-based learning /case-based/ memory-based/non-parametric, regression algorithms, Bayesian networks, Gaussian mixture models, K-Means and hierarchical clustering, Markov models, support vector machines, game tree search and alpha-beta search algorithms, game theory, artificial intelligence, A-star heuristic search, HillClimbing, simulated annealing and genetic algorithms.

Some popular data mining software includes: Connexor Machines, Copernic Summarizer, Corpora, DocMINER, DolphinSearch, dtSearch, DS Dataset, Enkata, Entrieva, Files Search Assistant, FreeText Software Technologies, Intellexer, Insightful InFact, Inxight, ISYS:desktop, Klarity (part of Intology tools), Leximancer, Lextek Onix Toolkit, Lextek Profiling Engine, Megaputer Text Analyst, Monarch, Recommind MindServer, SAS Text Miner, SPSS LexiQuest, SPSS Text Mining for Clementine, Temis-Group, TeSSI®, Textalyser, TextPipe Pro, TextQuest, Readware, Quenza, VantagePoint, VisualText(TM), by TextAI, Wordstat. There is also free software and shareware such as INTEXT, S-EM (Spy-EM), and Vivisimo/Clusty.


Monday, 22 July 2013

Data Mining and Its Impact on Business

Today, businesses are collecting more information that is available in a variety of formats. This includes: operational data, sales reports, customer data, inventory lists, forecast data, etc. In order to effectively manage and grow the business, all of the data gathered requires effective management and analysis. One such way of controlling the vast amount of information flow is a process called Data Mining.

Data mining is the process of taking a large amount of data and analyzing it from a variety of angles and putting into a format that makes it useful information to help a business improve operations, reduce costs, boost revenue, and make better business decisions. Today, effective data mining software has developed to help a business to collect and analyze useful information.

This process allows a business to collect data from a variety of sources, analyze the data using software, load the information into a database, store the information, and provide analyzed data in a useful format such as a report, table, or graph. As it relates to business analysis and business forecasting, the information analyzed is classified to determine important patterns and relationships. The idea is to identify relationships, patterns, and correlations from a broad number of different angles from a large database. These kinds of software and techniques allow a business easy access to a much simpler process which makes it more lucrative.

Data mining works allows a company to use the information to maintain competitiveness in a highly competitive business world. For instance, a company may be collecting a large volume of information from various regions of the country such as a consumer national survey. The software can compile the mined data, categorize it, and analyze it, to reveal a host of useful information that a marketer can use for marketing strategies. The outcome of the process should be an effective business analysis that allows a company to fully understand the information in order to make accurate business decisions that contributes to the success of the business. An example of a very effective use of data mining is acquiring a large amount of grocery store scanner data and analyzing it for market research. Data mining software allows for statistical analysis, data processing, and categorization, which all helps achieve accurate results.

It is mostly used by businesses with a strong emphasis on consumer information such shopping habits, financial analysis, marketing assessments...etc. It allows a business to determine key factors such as demographics, product positioning, competition, pricing, customer satisfaction, sales, and business expenditures. The result is the business is able to streamline its operations, develop effective marketing plans, and generate more sales. The overall impact is an increase in revenue and increased profitability.

For retailers, this process allows them to use of sales transactions to develop targeted marketing campaigns based on their customers shopping habits. Today, mining applications and software are available on all system sizes and platforms. For instance, the more information that has to be gathered and processed, the bigger the database. As well, the type of software a business will use depends on how complicated the data mining project. The more multifaceted the queries and the more queries performed, the more powerful system will be needed.

When a business harnesses the power of this system, they are able to gain important knowledge that will help them not only develop effective marketing strategies leading to better business decisions, but it will help identify future trends in their particular industry. Data mining has become an essential tool to help businesses gain a competitive edge.


Friday, 19 July 2013

An Easy Way For Data Extraction

There are so many data scraping tools are available in internet. With these tools you can you download large amount of data without any stress. From the past decade, the internet revolution has made the entire world as an information center. You can obtain any type of information from the internet. However, if you want any particular information on one task, you need search more websites. If you are interested in download all the information from the websites, you need to copy the information and pate in your documents. It seems a little bit hectic work for everyone. With these scraping tools, you can save your time, money and it reduces manual work.

The Web data extraction tool will extract the data from the HTML pages of the different websites and compares the data. Every day, there are so many websites are hosting in internet. It is not possible to see all the websites in a single day. With these data mining tool, you are able to view all the web pages in internet. If you are using a wide range of applications, these scraping tools are very much useful to you.

The data extraction software tool is used to compare the structured data in internet. There are so many search engines in internet will help you to find a website on a particular issue. The data in different sites is appears in different styles. This scraping expert will help you to compare the date in different site and structures the data for records.

And the web crawler software tool is used to index the web pages in the internet; it will move the data from internet to your hard disk. With this work, you can browse the internet much faster when connected. And the important use of this tool is if you are trying to download the data from internet in off peak hours. It will take a lot of time to download. However, with this tool you can download any data from internet at fast rate.There is another tool for business person is called email extractor. With this toll, you can easily target the customers email addresses. You can send advertisement for your product to the targeted customers at any time. This the best tool to find the database of the customers.

However, there are some more scraping tolls are available in internet. And also some of esteemed websites are providing the information about these tools. You download these tools by paying a nominal amount.


Wednesday, 17 July 2013

What is Data Mining? Why Data Mining is Important?

Searching, Collecting, Filtering and Analyzing of data define as data mining. The large amount of information can be retrieved from wide range of form such as different data relationships, patterns or any significant statistical co-relations. Today the advent of computers, large databases and the internet is make easier way to collect millions, billions and even trillions of pieces of data that can be systematically analyzed to help look for relationships and to seek solutions to difficult problems.

The government, private company, large organization and all businesses are looking for large volume of information collection for research and business development. These all collected data can be stored by them to future use. Such kind of information is most important whenever it is require. It will take very much time for searching and find require information from the internet or any other resources.

Here is an overview of data mining services inclusion:

* Market research, product research, survey and analysis
* Collection information about investors, funds and investments
* Forums, blogs and other resources for customer views/opinions
* Scanning large volumes of data
* Information extraction
* Pre-processing of data from the data warehouse
* Meta data extraction
* Web data online mining services
* data online mining research
* Online newspaper and news sources information research
* Excel sheet presentation of data collected from online sources
* Competitor analysis
* data mining books
* Information interpretation
* Updating collected data

After applying the process of data mining, you can easily information extract from filtered information and processing the refining the information. This data process is mainly divided into 3 sections; pre-processing, mining and validation. In short, data online mining is a process of converting data into authentic information.

The most important is that it takes much time to find important information from the data. If you want to grow your business rapidly, you must take quick and accurate decisions to grab timely available opportunities.

Outsourcing Web Research is one of the best data mining outsourcing organizations having more than 17 years of experience in the market research industry. To know more information about our company please contact us.


Friday, 12 July 2013

Importance of Data Mining Services in Business

Data mining is used in re-establishment of hidden information of the data of the algorithms. It helps to extract the useful information starting from the data, which can be useful to make practical interpretations for the decision making.
It can be technically defined as automated extraction of hidden information of great databases for the predictive analysis. In other words, it is the retrieval of useful information from large masses of data, which is also presented in an analyzed form for specific decision-making. Although data mining is a relatively new term, the technology is not. It is thus also known as Knowledge discovery in databases since it grip searching for implied information in large databases.
It is primarily used today by companies with a strong customer focus - retail, financial, communication and marketing organizations. It is having lot of importance because of its huge applicability. It is being used increasingly in business applications for understanding and then predicting valuable data, like consumer buying actions and buying tendency, profiles of customers, industry analysis, etc. It is used in several applications like market research, consumer behavior, direct marketing, bioinformatics, genetics, text analysis, e-commerce, customer relationship management and financial services.

However, the use of some advanced technologies makes it a decision making tool as well. It is used in market research, industry research and for competitor analysis. It has applications in major industries like direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, scientific tests, genetics, financial services and utilities.

Data mining consists of major elements:

    Extract and load operation data onto the data store system.
    Store and manage the data in a multidimensional database system.
    Provide data access to business analysts and information technology professionals.
    Analyze the data by application software.
    Present the data in a useful format, such as a graph or table.

The use of data mining in business makes the data more related in application. There are several kinds of data mining: text mining, web mining, relational databases, graphic data mining, audio mining and video mining, which are all used in business intelligence applications. Data mining software is used to analyze consumer data and trends in banking as well as many other industries.


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Understanding Data Mining

Well begun is half done. We can say that the invention of Internet is the greatest invention of the century which allows for quick information retrieval. It also has negative aspects, as it is an open forum therefore differentiating facts from fiction seems tough. It is the objective of every researcher to know how to perform mining of data on the Internet for accuracy of data. There are a number of search engines that provide powerful search results.

Knowing File Extensions in Data Mining

For mining data the first thing is important to know file extensions. Sites ending with dot-com are either commercial or sales sites. Since sales is involved there is a possibility that the collected information is inaccurate. Sites ending with dot-gov are of government departments, and these sites are reviewed by professionals. Sites ending with dot-org are generally for non-profit organizations. There is a possibility that the information is not accurate. Sites ending with dot-edu are of educational institutions, where the information is sourced by professionals. If you do not have an understanding you may take help of professional data mining services.

Knowing Search Engine Limitations for Data Mining

Second step is to understand when performing data mining is that majority search engines have filtering, file extension, or parameter. These are restrictions to be typed after your search term, for example: if you key in "marketing" and click "search," every site will be listed from dot-com sites having the term "marketing" on its website. If you key in "marketing," (without the quotation marks) only government department sites will be listed. If you key in "marketing" only non-profit organizations in marketing will be listed. However, if you key in "marketing" only educational sites in marketing will be displayed. Depending on the kind of data that you want to mine after your search term you will have to enter "", where xxx will being replaced,.gov,.org

Advanced Parameters in Data Mining

When performing data mining it is crucial to understand far beyond file extension that it is even possible to search particular terms, for example: if you are data mining for structural engineer's association of California and you key in "association of California" without quotation marks the search engine will display hundreds of sites having "association" and "California" in their search keywords. If you key in "association of California" with quotation marks, the search engine will display only sites having exactly the phrase "association of California" within the text. If you type in "association of California", the search engine will display only sites having "association of California" in the text, from only business organizations.

If you find it difficult it is better to outsource data mining to companies like Online Web Research Services


Data Harvesting

E Publishing is the process of publishing information to be viewed in electronic format or online. Such information is delivered via Electronic Books or "eBooks", CD-ROM or over the Internet.

E-publishing services addresses the needs of the e-Publishing industry and help Publishers to get their products into the market place quickly, in print Media, electronic media or in web media. E publishing is also known as electronic publishing or Internet publishing.

Publishing Services and Projects that can be outsourced:

-PDF creation or conversion

-ebooks development or formatting

-Book to e-book conversion

-eBooks writing, editing, proofing

-Download and tracking ebooks software development

-ePublishing website development

-Web content management software development

-Turnkey web publishing products

-Multimedia book development

-Book conversion from media to another media

-Graphic design for online publishing

-Custom development of ePublishing solutions

-e-Book security solutions

-Content syndication solutions

-XML conversion

-Ezine development and management

-Subscription management

-Distribution of digital content

-Print on demand solutions

Advantages of E-Publishing

-Reaches a wider audience

-Integrates multiple sources

-Universally recognized format

-Easy archival and retrieval

-Accurate information extraction

Data Harvesting

Data harvesting is gathering or harvesting data from the Web for directories and databases. It is a research made in the web for obtaining required data in a required format.

Who uses Data Harvesting?

-Marketing Managers, who need to get a grasp of e marketing.

-Business leaders, who have to meet new e-targets.

-Financial Directors, who need to cut costs and improve efficiency.

-IT Departments, who want to outsource specialist e-marketing support projects.

Data Harvesting Services that can be outsourced:

-Data Capturing Service From The Web

-Catalog / database management

-Internet research, email mining and customized list making

-Portal management support

-e-Newsletters / e-Clippings

-Secondary Research / Market Intelligence


Digitization is the conversion of images, characters, or sounds to digital codes so that the information may be processed or stored by a computer system. Digitizing can be effectively outsourced allowing you to utilize your resources in the more critical design phases of your projects. The digital technology revolution has given libraries, archives and cultural institutions the ability to reproduce their assets - including rare, fragile and uniquely visual items - for virtually universal access, copying, and distribution.

Benefits of Digitization:

-Long term and safe preservation of documents

-Orderly archiving of documents

-Easy & customized access to information

-Easy information dissemination through images, text,

-CD-ROMs, internet, intranets and extranets.

-Allows for a paperless environment.

-Easy maintenance and retrieval.

-Documents/drawings can be integrated with client's CAD environment.

-Attractive "extra" to offer property buyers.

-Resolution will be higher compared to blue prints/scanned drawings.

-Missing dimensions can be interpreted without loss in accuracy.

-2D or 3D models can be extruded


Monday, 8 July 2013

What is Data Entry - Which Data Entry Services Are Popular?

Today, data entry business is the fastest growing businesses in the world whether we think so or not but it is fact. This data online entry is dynamic and is in regular changes.

Data form entries can be described as numeric, alpha numeric, text and form entry. Data entries services are very useful in business firms and organizations as there is a huge demand of entry.

Therefore, the outsourcing form entry business is flexible and is require detailed information and accuracy of ease of access. If you will outsource data entry requirements it helps to improve information management system whether you are running a small business or large business company because information is vital asset in this industry.

You can release from the difficulty of all your information processing requirements because of high quality, cost effective services provided by data entry companies which also helps you to focus on other business development processes which are also important.

Specially trained and skilled excel, word entry professional from offshore countries provide you excellent services with significant suggestions. There are several advantages of information entry outsourcing some majors are:

o Lowest Possible Data-Entry Cost
o Accurate and Fast delivery
o Access of specialized service
o Increased client satisfaction
o Savings manpower and training costs
o Focusing energy and workforce on your core business

Some of the most important services provided by outsourcing companies are described below:

Catalogs Entries
Directories Entries

Numeric Information
Textual Information
Data Capture and Data Collection
Image Information
Online Form Information
OCR/ICR Processing

By outsourcing data-entry services you can enjoy the convenience and security of work done by data entries companies. DataEntryOutsourcing is provide complete data online entry services and you can get more information about our data online entry company so visit our website.


Sunday, 7 July 2013

Data Mining And Importance to Achieve Competitive Edge in Business

What is data mining? And why it is so much importance in business? These are simple yet complicated questions to be answered, below is brief information to help understanding data and web mining services.

Mining of data in general terms can be elaborated as retrieving useful information or knowledge for further process of analyzing from various perspectives and summarizing in valuable information to be used for increasing revenue, cut cost, to gather competitive information on business or product. And data abstraction finds a great importance in business world as it help business to harness the power of accurate information thus providing competitive edge in business. May business firms and companies have their own warehouse to help them collect, organize and mine information such as transactional data, purchase data etc.

But to have a mining services and warehouse at premises is not affordable and not very cost effective to solution for reliable information solutions. But as if taking out of information is the need for every business now days. Many companies are providing accurate and effective data and web data mining solutions at reasonable price.

Outsourcing information abstraction services are offered at affordable rates and it is available for wide range of data mine solutions:

• taking out business data
• service to gather data sets
• digging information of datasets
• Website data mining
• stock market information
• Statistical information
• Information classification
• Information regression
• Structured data analysis
• Online mining of data to gather product details
• to gather prices
• to gather product specifications
• to gather images

Outsource web mining solutions and data gathering solutions has been effective in terms of cost cutting, increasing productivity at affordable rates. Benefits of data mining services include:

• clear customer, service or product understanding
• less or minimal marketing cost
• exact information on sales, transactions
• detection of beneficial patterns
• minimizing risk and increased ROI
• new market detection
• Understanding clear business problems and goals

Accurate data mining solutions could prove to be an effective way to cut down cost by concentrating on right place.


Friday, 5 July 2013

Data Discovery vs. Data Extraction

Looking at screen-scraping at a simplified level, there are two primary stages involved: data discovery and data extraction. Data discovery deals with navigating a web site to arrive at the pages containing the data you want, and data extraction deals with actually pulling that data off of those pages. Generally when people think of screen-scraping they focus on the data extraction portion of the process, but my experience has been that data discovery is often the more difficult of the two.

The data discovery step in screen-scraping might be as simple as requesting a single URL. For example, you might just need to go to the home page of a site and extract out the latest news headlines. On the other side of the spectrum, data discovery may involve logging in to a web site, traversing a series of pages in order to get needed cookies, submitting a POST request on a search form, traversing through search results pages, and finally following all of the "details" links within the search results pages to get to the data you're actually after. In cases of the former a simple Perl script would often work just fine. For anything much more complex than that, though, a commercial screen-scraping tool can be an incredible time-saver. Especially for sites that require logging in, writing code to handle screen-scraping can be a nightmare when it comes to dealing with cookies and such.

In the data extraction phase you've already arrived at the page containing the data you're interested in, and you now need to pull it out of the HTML. Traditionally this has typically involved creating a series of regular expressions that match the pieces of the page you want (e.g., URL's and link titles). Regular expressions can be a bit complex to deal with, so most screen-scraping applications will hide these details from you, even though they may use regular expressions behind the scenes.

As an addendum, I should probably mention a third phase that is often ignored, and that is, what do you do with the data once you've extracted it? Common examples include writing the data to a CSV or XML file, or saving it to a database. In the case of a live web site you might even scrape the information and display it in the user's web browser in real-time. When shopping around for a screen-scraping tool you should make sure that it gives you the flexibility you need to work with the data once it's been extracted.


Thursday, 4 July 2013

Data Entry Services by a Virtual Assistant

Data Entry is a basic requirement for any business and it may appear to be simple to supervise and handle, this engage a lot of procedures that require a proper handling. Enormous modifications have taken place in the field of data entry and because of this data processing work has become really easier then before. So if you are looking to make data entry services useful to maintain the information and data of your company, you need a skilled virtual assistant. These days it is almost impossible to say Data Entry Services are costly; however, the fact is this by outsourcing a data process to country like India will be a good option for an organization to find a quality services with cost-effective solutions. All you need to choose you will hire a VA for the job you wanted to complete within a particular time frame, with quality and a cost-effective solution or to hire an in house employee for which you have to pay employee benefits such as sick pay, employee insurance, vacation pay, worker's compensation and much more. You are the best person to decide, you want to outsource the job to a virtual assistant who only charge for the job they work for after all this is your business.

Data Entry is one of the important features for your business and as a result you must make sure that this is dealt in a right direction. Outsourcing Data Entry service to a virtual assistant is not only a part of a business. With the enormous flow on the ground of Information Technology Data Conversion service is evenly significant. Data Conversion is the process to renovate the data in which data is converted from file source to another file type such as extracting the data from PDF file to excel spreadsheet and business world need these conversion for efficiency in performance. Virtual Assistant's are skilled enough to convert almost any file type to another for a business owner to access the data in any format.

By outsourcing your data entry jobs to a virtual assistant in India has been found very cost-effective solutions with quality of the job. Outsourcing Data Entry Services is one of the rise these days and the reason behind this is business owners has enjoyed the success of outsourcing the job to a virtual assistant. The major benefit of getting data entry services complete by a virtual assistant in India is they work really cheap and the work done by them is of top quality job. So if the data entry services provided by a virtual assistant are cheap and of top quality there is completely no possibility why someone would not take the benefits of a VA services.


Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Outsource Data Entry Services and Reduce Costs

India is known for its efficient and cost effective data entry service companies. As the Internet is expanding its horizon, companies from all over the world are flocking to India and outsourcing data format jobs to different companies. There definitely has to be a strong reason behind the same. Every business needs relevant information and data from trusted sources at a nominal cost. Companies in India have made cost effectiveness their forte and thus offer the best services to their clients around the world at an affordable cost.

One of the main reasons for outsourcing these tasks to India is that you get the aid of extremely qualified experts at an exceptionally low cost. This services can very well be outsourced to India without you having to worry about the quality of work you will receive. The data-entry professionals in these companies are skilled in their work and can help you manage business related data without any errors. Their specialists are well equipped with the latest technologies, both in hardware and software, and thus they can offer you the best results.

The various types of data entry services that you can avail from India are offline and online entry, image entry, entry of e-books, surveys, catalog entry, entry of legal documents, entry of insurance claims, database entry, text entry, accounting, entry of manuals, PDF conversion, HTML conversion, XML conversion and many others such services.

This type of work is a critical part of every organization and has to be done cautiously. Therefore, before outsourcing your data entry services, check for the credibility of the company by reviewing its past records, and customers feedback. Outsourcing services can definitely help you reduce cost and allow you to use your time and employees for more productive work. Important thing is that even outsourcing needs proper care and verification so that you don't have to face any confidentiality and quality issues in future.
