Wednesday, 28 September 2016

How to use Web Content Extractor(WCE) as Email Scraper?

How to use Web Content Extractor(WCE) as Email Scraper?

Web Content Extractor is a great web scraping software developed by Newprosoft Team. The software has easy to use project wizard to create a scraping configuration and scrape data from websites.

One day I came to see the Visual Email Extractor which is also product of Newprosoft and similar to Web Content Extractor but it’s primary use is to scrape email addresses by crawling websites you feed to the scraper. I had noticed that with the little modification in Web Content Extractor project configuration you can use it same as Visual Email Extractor to extract email addresses.

In this post I will show you what configuration makes the Web Content Extractor to extract email addresses. I still recommend Visual Email Extractor as it has lot more features then extracting email using WCE.

Here are the configuration that makes WCE to Extract Emails.

Step 1 : Open Web Content Extractor and Create New Project and Click on Next.

Step 2:  Under Crawling Rules -> Advanced Rules Tab do the following settings

Crawling Level 1 Settings

Follow Links if link text equals:
*contact*; *feedback*; *support*; *about*

for 'Follow Links if link text equals' text box enter following values:
contact; feedback; support; about

for 'Do not Follow links if URL contains' text box enter following values:

google.; yahoo.; bing; msn.; altavista.;;;; =http; .jpg; .gif; .png; .bmp; .exe; .zip; .pdf;

Set 'Maximum Crawling Deapth' to 2

set 'Crawling Order' to Deapth First Crawling

Tick mark below below check boxes:

->Follow all internal links

  Crawling Level 2  Settings

set 'Follow links if link text equals' to below value

*contact*; *feedback*; *support*; *about*

set 'Follow links if url contains' text box to below value

contact; feedback; support; about

set 'DO NOT follow links if url contains' text box to below value


Step 3 After doing above settings now click on Next  -> in Extraction Pattern window -> Click on Define ->  in Web Page Address (URL) give any URL where email is given.  and click on  + sign right of Date Fields to define scraping pattern.

Now inside HTML Structure selects HTML check box or Body check box which means for each page it will take whole page content to parse data.

Now last settings to extract emails from page using regular expression based email extraction function.  Open Predefined Script window and select ‘Extract_Email_Addresses‘ and click on OK. and if you have used page that contains email then in Script Result’ you will be able to see the harvested email.

Hope this will help you to use your Web Content Extractor as a Email Scraper.. Share your view in comment.


Monday, 19 September 2016

Powerful Web Scraping Software – Content Grabber Review

Powerful Web Scraping Software – Content Grabber Review

There are many web scraping software and cloud based web scraping services available in the market for extracting data from the websites. They vary widely in cost and features. In this article, I am going to introduce one such advanced web scraping tool “Content Grabber”, which is widely used and the best web scraping software in the market.

Content Grabber is used for web extraction, web scraping and web automation. It can extract content from complex websites and export it as structured data in a variety of formats like Excel Spreadsheets, XML, CSV and databases. Content Grabber can also extract data from highly dynamic websites. It can extract from AJAX-enabled websites, submit forms repeatedly to cover all possible input values, and manage website logins.

Content Grabber is designed to be reliable, scalable and customizable. It is specifically designed for users with a critical reliance on web scraping and web data extraction. It also enables you to make standalone web scraping agents which you can market and sell as your own royalty free web scraping software.

Applications of Content Grabber:

The following are the few applications of Content Grabber:

  •     Data aggregation – for example news aggregation.
  •     Competitive pricing and monitoring e.g. monitor dealers for price compliance.
  •     Financial and Market Research e.g. Make proactive buying and selling decisions by continuously receiving corporate operational data.
  •     Content Integration i.e. integration of data from various sources at one place.
  •     Business Directory Scraping – for example: yellow pages scraping, yelp scraping, superpages scraping etc.
  •     Extracting company data from yellow pages for scraping common data fields like Business Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, Email, Website and Category of Business.
  •     Extracting eBay auction data like: eBay Product Name, Store Information, Buy it Now prices, Product Price, List Price, Seller Price and many more.
  •     Extracting Amazon product data: Information such as Product title, cost, description, details, availability, shipping info, ASIN, rating, rank, etc can be extracted.

Content Grabber Features:

The following section highlights some of the key features of Content Grabber:

1. Point and Click Interface

The Content Grabber editor has an easy to use point and click interface that provides easy point and click configuration. One simply needs to click on web elements to configure website navigation and content capture.

2. Easy to Use

The Content Grabber point and click interface is so simple to use that it can easily be used by beginners and non-programmers. There is certain built in facilities that automatically detect and configure all commands. It will automatically create a list of links, lists of content, manage pagination, handle web pages, download or upload files and capture any action you perform on a web page. You can also manually configure the agent commands, so Content Grabber gives you both simplicity and control.

3. Reliable and Scalable

Content Grabber’s powerful features like testing and debugging, solid error handling and error recovery, allows agent to run in the most difficult scenarios. It easily handles and scrapes dynamic websites built with JavaScript and AJAX. Content Grabber’s Intelligent agents don’t break with most site structure changes. These features enable us to build reliable web scraping agents. There are various configurations and performance tuning options that makes Content Grabber scalable. You can build as many web scraping agents as you want with Content Grabber.

4. High Performance

Multi-threading is used to increase the performance in Content Grabber. Content Grabber uses optimized web browsers. It uses static browsers for static web pages and dynamic browsers for dynamic web pages. It has an ultra-fast HTML5 parser for ultra-fast web scraping. One can use many web browsers concurrently to boost performance.

5. Debugging, Logging and Error Handling

Content Grabber has robust support for debugging, error handling and logging. Using a debugger, you can test and debug the web scraping agents which helps you to build reliable and error free web scraping solutions because most of the issues are addressed at design time. Content Grabber allows agent logging with three detail levels: Log URLs, Log raw HTML, Log to database or file. Logs can be useful to identify problems that occurred during execution of a web scraping agent. Content Grabber supports automatic error handling and custom error handling through scripting. Error status reports can also be mailed to administrators.

6. Scripting

Content Grabber comes with a built in script editor with IntelliSense that one can use in case of some unusual requirements or to fine tune some process. Scripting can be used to control agent behaviour, content transformation, customize data export and delivery and to generate data inputs for agent.

7. Unlimited Web Scraping Agents

Content Grabber allows building an unlimited number of Self-Contained Web Scraping Agents. Self-Contained agents are a standalone executable that can be run independently, branded as your own and distributed royalty free. Content Grabber provides an easy to use and effective GUI to manage all the agents. One can view status and logs of all the agents or run and schedule the agents in one centralized location.

8. Automation

Require data on a schedule? Weekly? Everyday? Each hour? Content Grabber allows automating and publishing extracted data. Configure Content Grabber by telling what data you want once, and then schedule it to run automatically.

And much more

There are too many features that Content Grabber provides, but here are a few more that may be useful and interest you.

  •     Schedule agents
  •     Manage proxies
  •     Custom notification criteria and messages
  •     Email notifications
  •     Handle websites logins
  •     Capture Screenshots of web elements or entire web page or save as PDF.
  •     Capture hidden content on web page.
  •     Crawl entire website
  •     Input data from almost any data source.
  •     Auto scroll to load dynamic data
  •     Handle complex JAVASCRIPT and AJAX actions
  •     XPATH support
  •     Convert Images to Text
  •     CAPTCHA handling
  •     Extract data from non-HTML documents like PDF and Word Documents
  •     Multi-threading and multiple web browsers
  •     Run agent from command line.

The above features come with the Professional edition license. Content Grabber’s Premium edition license is available with the following extra features:

1. Visual Studio 2013 integration

One can integrate Content Grabber to Visual Studio and take advantages of extra powerful script editing, debugging, and unit testing.

2. Remove Content Grabber branding

One can remove Content Grabber branding from the Content Grabber agents and distribute the executable.

3. Custom Design Templates

One can customize the Content Grabber agent user interface design with custom HTML templates – e.g. add your own company branding.

4. Royalty free distribution

One can distribute the Content Grabber agent to anybody without paying royalty fees and can run agents from the command line anywhere.

5. Programming Interface

Programming interfaces like Desktop API, Web API and windows service for building and editing agents.

6. Custom Web Scraping Application Development:

Content Grabber provides API and Visual Studio Integration which developer can use to build custom web scraping applications. It provides full control of the user interface and export functionality. One can develop both Desktop as well as Web based custom web scraping applications using the Content Grabber programming interface. It is a great tool and provides opportunity for developers to build general web scraping applications and sell those to generate revenue.

Are you looking for web scraping services? Do you need any assistance related to Content Grabber? We can probably help you to achieve your scraping-based project goals. We would be more than happy to hear from you.


Tuesday, 6 September 2016

How Web Scraping for Brand Monitoring is used in Retail Sector

How Web Scraping for Brand Monitoring is used in Retail Sector

Structured or unstructured, business data always plays an instrumental part in driving growth, development, and innovation for your dream venture. Irrespective of industrial sectors or verticals, big data, seems to be of paramount significance for every business or enterprise.

The unsurpassed popularity and increasing importance of big data gave birth to the concept of web scraping, thus enhancing growth opportunities for startups. Large or small, every business establishment will now achieve successful website monitoring and tracking.
How web scraping serves your branding need?

Web scraping helps in extracting unorganized data and ordering it into organized and manageable formats. So if your brand is being talked about in multiple ways (on social media, on expert forums, in comments etc.), you can set the scraping tool algorithm to fetch only data that contains reference about the brand. As an outcome, marketers and business owners around the brand can gauge brand sentiment and tweak their launch marketing campaign to enhance visibility.

Look around and you will discover numerous web scraping solutions ranging from manual to fully automated systems. From Reputation Tracking to Website monitoring, your web scraper can help create amazing insights from seemingly random bits of data (both in structured as well as unstructured format).
Using web scraping

The concept of web scraping revolutionizes the use of big data for business. With its availability across sectors, retailers are on cloud nine. Here’s how the retail market is utilizing the power of Web Scraping for brand monitoring.

Determining pricing strategy

The retail market is filled with competition. Whether it is products or pricing strategies, every retailer competes hard to stay ahead of the growth curve. Web scraping techniques will help you crawl price comparison sites’ pricing data, product descriptions, as well as images to receive data for comparison, affiliation, or analytics.

As a result, retailers will have the opportunity to trade their products at competitive prices, thus increasing profit margins by a whopping 10%.

Tracking online presence

Current trends in ecommerce herald the need for a strong online presence. Web scraping takes cue from this particular aspect, thus scraping reviews and profiles on websites. By providing you a crystal clear picture of product performance, customer behavior, and interactions, web scraping will help you achieve Online Brand Intelligence and monitoring.
Detection of fraudulent reviews

Present-day purchasers have this unique habit of referring to reviews, before finalizing their purchase decisions. Web scraping helps in the identification of opinion-spamming, thus figuring out fake reviews. It will further extend support in detecting, reviewing, streamlining, or blocking reviews, according to your business needs.
Online reputation management

Web data scraping helps in figuring out avenues to take your ORM objectives forward. With the help of the scraped data, you learn about both the impactful as well as vulnerable areas for online reputation management. You will have the web crawler identifying demographic opinions such as age group, gender, sentiments, and GEO location.

Social media analytics

Since social media happens to be one of the most crucial factors for retailers, it will be imperative to Scrape Social Media websites and extract data from Twitter. The web scraping technology will help you watch your brand in Social Media along with fetching Data for social media analytics. With social media channels such as Twitter monitoring services, you will strengthen your firm’s’ branding even more than before.
Advantages of BM

As a business, you might want to monitor your brand in social media to gain deep insights about your brand’s popularity and the current consumer behavior. Brand monitoring companies will watch your brand in social media and come up with crucial data for social media analytics. This process has immense benefits for your business, these are summarized over here –

Locate Infringers

Leading brands often face the challenge thrown by infringers. When brand monitoring companies keep a close look at products available in the market, there is less probability of a copyright infringement. The biggest infringement happens in the packaging, naming and presentation of products. With constant monitoring and legal support provided by the Trademark Law, businesses could remain protected from unethical competitors and illicit business practices.

Manage Consumer Reaction and Competitor’s Challenges

A good business keeps a check on the current consumer sentiment in the targeted demographic and positively manages the same in the interest of their brand. The feedback from your consumers could be affirmative or negative but if you have a hold on the social media channels, web platforms and forums, you, as a brand will be able to propagate trust at all times.

When competitor brands indulge in backbiting or false publicity about your brand, you can easily tame their negative comments by throwing in a positive image in front of your target audience. So, brand monitoring and its active implementation do help in positive image building and management for businesses.
Why Web scraping for BM?

Web scraping for brand monitoring gives you a second pair of eyes to look at your brand as a general consumer. Considering the flowing consumer sentiment in the market during a specific business season, you could correct or simply innovate better ways to mold the target audience in your brand’s favor. Through a systematic approach towards online brand intelligence and monitoring, future business strategies and possible brand responses could be designed, keeping your business actively prepared for both types of scenarios.

For effective web scraping, businesses extract data from Twitter that helps them understand ‘what’s trending’ in their business domain. They also come closer to reality in terms of brand perception, user interaction and brand visibility in the notions of their clientele. Web scraping professionals or companies scrape social media websites to gather relevant data related to your brand or your competitor’s that has the potential to affect your growth as a business. Management and organization of this data is done to extract out significant and reference building facts. Future strategy for your brand is designed by brand monitoring professionals keeping in mind the facts accumulated through web scraping. The data obtained through web scraping helps in –

Knowing the actual brand potential,
Expanding brand coverage,
Devising brand penetration,
Analyzing scope and possibilities for a brand and
Design thoughtful and insightful brand strategies.

In simple words, web scraping provides a business enough base of information that could be used to devise future plans and to make suggestive changes in the current business strategy.

Advantages of Web scraping for BM

Web scraping has made things seamless for businesses involved in managing their brands and active brand monitoring. There is no doubt, that web scraping for brand monitoring comes with immense benefits, some of these are –

Improved customer insight

When you have in hand and factual knowledge about your consumer base through social media channels, you are in a strong position to portray your positive image as a brand. With more realistic data on your hands, you could develop strategies more effectively and make realistic goals for your brand’s improvement. Social media insights also allows marketers to create highly targeted and custom marketing messages – thus leading to better likelihood of sales conversion.

Monitoring your Competition

Web scraping helps you realize where your brand stands in the market among the competition. The actual penetration of your brand in the targeted segment helps in getting a clear picture of your present business scenario. Through careful removal of competition in your concerned business category, you could strengthen your brand image.

Staying Informed

When your brand monitoring team is keeping track of all social media channels, it becomes easier for you to stay informed about latest comments about your business on sites like Facebook, Twitter and social forums etc. You could have deep knowledge about the consumer behavior related to your brand and your competitors on these web destinations.

Improved Consumer Satisfaction and Sales

Reputation tracking done through web scraping helps in generating planned response at times of crisis. It also mends the communication gap between consumer and the brand, hence improving the consumer satisfaction. This automatically translates into trust building and brand loyalty improving your brand’s sales.

To sign off

By granting opportunities to monitor your social media data, web scraping is undoubtedly helping retail businesses take a significant step towards perfect branding. If you are one of the key players in this sector, there’s reason for celebration ahead!
